
  • 指南
  • 2024年1月15日
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作者:酒Country Collective 2024年1月15日

Regardless of when you plan to visit, be it next weekend or next fall, ag体育正规 总是一个好主意吗. 毕竟, there’s a reason why 纳帕 remains one of the most popular destinations in California,, 信不信由你, 葡萄酒只是其中的一小部分.

Happiness is not a state of mind, but a trip to ag体育正规.

从世界级的 酒庄 和令人叹为观止的风景 豪华的住宿, 著名的餐馆, 振兴水疗,充满活力 艺术与文化,独特的 购物而且,ag体育正规真的有适合每个人的东西. +, 温和的地中海气候, this Northern California wine region boasts plenty of 阳光明媚的日子 year-round, 使它成为一年中任何时候的理想目的地.

So when, exactly, is the best time of year to visit ag体育正规? It really depends on the type of experience you want to enjoy, as every season offers a different slice of 酒 Country life. 帮你计划一个完美的旅行, 不管一年中的什么时候, we’ve put together a seasonal guide to visiting ag体育正规.


Winter, aka “low season,” may be conside红色的 the rainy season in 纳帕, but don’t let that deter you. 一月, 2月, 和三月仍然提供了很多爱, 多亏了大量的清晰, 阳光明媚的日子, 日间高点 在50年代,而且比一年中的其他时候更少的人. It’s also a good time to take advantage of off-season hotel rates, which can often make an escape to 纳帕 much easier on the 预算. 当然, with evening temps dropping down into the 30s in some parts of ag体育正规, 你得带些暖和的衣服, 最好找个地方在火炉旁取暖.

阿丽拉酒店的阿丽拉水疗中心,照片由 Alila酒店
应季食物搭配,图片由 克里夫家族酒庄


  1. 过着奢侈的生活

    纵情享受奢华的住宿 ag体育正规最豪华的酒店 不用支付旺季价格(耶)!),然后把省下来的钱花在纵欲上 矿泉疗法 或花哨的 晚餐. 还有什么更好的呢??

  2. 酒 & 食物搭配

    Discover the joys of pairing wine with food through an educational (和 delicious) experience at a top winery. 我们整理了一份我们的 十大最受欢迎的搭配最独特的葡萄酒搭配 帮助你开始.

  3. 参观顶级酒庄,远离人群

    参观纳帕更受欢迎的酒庄,比如 PEJU酒厂, 松岭葡萄园, 葡萄园Carneros——不用担心夏天的拥挤. While most still require reservations, you’ll likely have your choice of appointment times.

在ag体育正规圆池庄园品酒,CA. 脸谱网提供: 圆塘邨


冬雨过后, 春天是ag体育正规一年中恢复活力的时节, 当野花点缀着生机勃勃的绿色山坡, 随着花蕾的开始,葡萄园开始苏醒, 和 overall vibe is relaxed 和 cheerful as the days get longer. 虽然你可能还会看到一些雨 预测, 大部分时间气温温和宜人, 使户外品酒更具吸引力. 这也是探索纳帕户外活动的好时机, 骑自行车或徒步旅行 around before the summertime heat descends upon the Valley. Average highs tend to range in the mid-to-high 60s 和 start to roll into the mid-70s by May, 虽然晚上的低点还是很冷, 通常在40岁左右.

春光明媚的相思之家,图片由 相思的房子


  1. 骑行山谷

    没有什么比欣赏 两个轮子的纳帕 有导游的自行车之旅 逃跑的冒险. 或者,你可以 租一辆自行车 独自探索这个地区.

  2. 参观可持续发展的酒庄

    Live out Earth Day all season long with a visit to some of 纳帕’s 最可持续的酒庄. We’d highly suggest following your tasting with a local 和 seasonal 在圣吃午餐. 海伦娜.

  3. 泥浆恢复活力疗法

    Experience the healing benefits of Calistoga’s mud with a treatment at one of 卡利斯托加的顶级水疗中心 在安顿下来享用附近的美味佳肴之前 高级餐厅. 相信我们,你会由内而外容光焕发.

飞向天空! 图片由 Bob McClenahan摄影公司


用干, 阳光明媚的日子 和 virtually no rain—there’s rarely a cloud in the sky from sunrise to sunset—it’s no wonder why people flock to 夏天的ag体育正规. 酒庄 和 tasting rooms embrace the nice weather by offering outdoor tastings 和 葡萄园游, 酒店游泳池 can be found bustling with happy guests enjoying the California sunshine, local farmers’ markets are bursting with summer produce. You’ll find average daytime temperatures in the mid-80s to mid-90s, 这取决于你在山谷多北的地方, 夜间最低气温50华氏度.

Dr. 威尔金森后院度假村
Dr .的游泳池. 威尔金森,图片由 Dr. 威尔金森后院度假村



    We love kicking off the summer season with music 和 wine at ag体育正规, inarguably one of the biggest festivals in Northern California each year.

  2. 游泳池边挂

    还有什么更好的呢? than lounging poolside whilst basking in the California sun? 从您的酒店房间躺倒池畔仅几步之遥. 以下是我们最喜欢的几个 酒店游泳池 寻找灵感.

  3. 热气球

    Soar high above the valley with a hot air balloon ride via ag体育正规高空 or ag体育正规气球公司. 如果你是第一次坐热气球,这是 走之前要知道些什么.


Fall is always a busy time of year in 酒 Country, when the bustling 丰收的季节 给山谷带来了兴奋的气氛. 在八月里, 9月, 和10月, winery teams can be seen picking grapes in the vineyards for crush, some 酒庄 even offer special 收获 tours so you can witness the winery production facilities buzzing with action. 即使你不是来喝酒的, 很难否认纳帕瀑布的魅力, when the region shines with vibrant autumnal colors of orange, 红色的, 黄金, 和黄色. Add in mild temperatures both day 和 night 和 it’s no wonder why 收获 is a popular time for visitors (we recommend booking reservations well in advance). 平均日最高温度徘徊在70度到80度之间, 夜间气温骤降至50华氏度, 几乎看不到多少降水.


  1. 品尝赤霞珠

    Prepare for the cooler months by stocking up on ag体育正规’s premier wine: Cabernet. 我们列出了一些我们的 最喜欢品尝出租车的地方 in 纳帕, or, if exclusivity is more your game, check out our 纳帕的顶级酒庄.

  2. 去纳帕市中心旅行

    市中心的纳帕 从来没有发生过这么多,我们都在关注吗. 预定在…住宿 别致的酒店 然后享受所有令人兴奋的品酒室和嘻哈 餐厅 步行距离内.

  3. 一边品酒一边看风景

    ag体育正规 is chock full of 酒庄 with surroundings as stunning as the wines served. When you’re ready to delight all your senses, consider any of these 10个最美丽的酒庄.

图片来源:Unsplash | Jason Leung


Mid-November through early January is no doubt a magical time in ag体育正规, when festive winter events 和 holiday gatherings add to the joy of the season. 从感恩节开始, many 餐厅 in the area offer special holiday 晚餐s to take advantage of, while 酒庄 host a range of specials on wine 和 holiday open-houses. 每年的这个时候,整个城镇甚至都在全力以赴, showcasing bright twinkly lights 和 special events for kids of all ages. 白天的平均气温通常在50度到60度之间, 夜间气温高达40到30多度. So, 而你不会在纳帕享受“白色圣诞节”, 雨天会更频繁, so don’t forget an umbrella or a rain jacket for those times when the weather 预测 calls for rain instead of sun.

The 酒 Train comes alive with the spirit of the holidays, 图片由 ag体育正规葡萄酒列车


  1. 中央情报局的烹饪课

    Prep for all that holiday entertaining by taking a h和s-on cooking class at the CIA在Copia位于纳帕市中心. 后来, we recommend stopping into the CIA’s Marketplace to stock up on gifts for the foodies in your life.

  2. 跳上葡萄酒列车

    在节日期间, ag体育正规葡萄酒列车 offers festive experiences for kids of all ages—the most popular being the Santa Train, 包括游戏, 热可可, 饼干, 生活娱乐, 和更多的. Adults will also love spending a festive New Year’s Eve aboard the train.

  3. 开启纳帕的艺术一面

    Take a break from holiday 购物 with a stop into downtown 纳帕’s Acumen葡萄酒画廊一部分是画廊,一部分是品酒室. 或者,冒险去其中一个 纳帕的酒庄拥有令人惊叹的艺术收藏在这里,艺术真的和葡萄酒一样令人印象深刻.


Need more info to help you plan an idyllic 酒 Country getaway? You can get the latest 预测 和 further details on monthly temperatures by visiting our ag体育正规天气网页. For those who don’t live locally in the San Francisco Bay Area, 如果你需要帮助决定飞往哪个机场, 我们用我们的 纳帕机场旅游指南. 你可能也想看看我们的详细资料 ag体育正规地图 来帮你在参观前了解一下这里的情况. And if you haven’t narrowed down your destination in 酒 Country between 纳帕 or 索诺玛, 你可以访问我们的姊妹网站去发现 我们的索诺玛县季节性旅游指南.